
José Maria da Fonseca

José Maria da Fonseca is located in Vila Nogueira de Azeitão, in the district of Setúbal. The company has almost two centuries of history, operating since 1834. It is the oldest company producing table wine and Moscatel de Setúbal in Portugal.

The vineyards cover around 650 hectares and the winery is equipped with the latest technology, which means that the wines produced are of the highest quality.

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Picture of Alambre Moscatel de Setúbal - Fortified Wine
Alambre Moscatel de Setúbal - Fortified Wine is a wine produced in Portugal, in the Península de Setúbal region, by José Maria da Fonseca. It is made with Moscatel de Setúbal grapes.
From £13.02 taxes incl.
Picture of Lancers Rosé - Rosé Wine
Lancers Rosé - Rosé Wine is a wine produced in Portugal, in the Península de Setúbal region, by José Maria da Fonseca.
From £10.49 taxes incl.